Shaun's Aussie Adventure Show

Always up for an adventure, the Rangers at Paradise Country have come up with a welcome challenge Shaun and Bitzer just can't resist. But they need the help of some new friends. Drop by, say hello and join the Flock in an inspiring Aussie Adventure show.

Shaun the Sheep Show

See Shaun the Sheep & Bitzer on Stage meeting their Aussie Friends

Daily at 11:30am

At The Shearing Shed

Strollers and prams are not permitted within the stage area

Meet The Characters

Shaun the Sheep and Bitzer
Shaun the Sheep and Bitzer

Never ones to be left behind, Shaun and the Flock have hotfooted it after the Farmer to Paradise Country for the adventure of a lifetime! They’ve made themselves right at home – but the Farmer is none the wiser! Come and join Shaun and the Flock on their amazing Australian Adventure… but don’t let the Farmer know!

Kirra the Koala
Kirra the Koala

She is the fearless leader of the Save a Mate rangers and is on the case to solve any problem they encounter.

Konol the Cockatoo
Konol the Cockatoo

He is a trainee within the Save a Mate rangers and is kept under Kirra's wing as she shows him the way.


The Shearing Shed

The Shearing Shed is located next to the Farmhouse Restaurant in the middle of the park. You can find Shaun’s Aussie Adventure Show here!


Plan your day by checking out upcoming showtimes and more!

Why not spend the night at Paradise Country's Farmstay?


Shaun’s Scraps and Taps

Shaun the Sheep Precinct

Shaun’s Scraps and Taps

on-ride features

© and TM Aardman 2018

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